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10 reasons to choose Diatome

Diatome changes e-commerce by offering a comprehensive and innovative solution to integrate second-hand products into your platform

Fast integration

Our headless solution adapts to your existing site, allowing for operational integration in just a few days.

Innovative and scalable technology

Our platform uses the latest technologies to adapt to e-commerce businesses of all sizes, ensuring performance and scalability as your second-hand activity grows.

Unified, seamless user experience

Offer your customers a seamless shopping journey with our unique cart, combining new and second-hand items for an integrated shopping experience.

End to end operational management

From product listing to final delivery, our team handles the entire process, allowing you to focus on your core business

Grow your revenue

Increase your revenue by capitalizing on the fast-growing second-hand market, while optimizing the value of each product throughout its lifecycle.

Innovative loyalty program

Our gift card reward system encourages sellers to reinvest in your brand, thereby stimulating sales of new and second-hand products and strengthening customer loyalty.

Strengthen your brand image

Show your commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, thereby enhancing your brand image among an increasingly environmentally conscious clientele.

Subject expert and strategic support

Benefit from our expertise to optimize your circular economy strategy and maximize the benefits of second-hand sales for your business.

Total control of your brand image

Maintain control over your image and the quality of resold products thanks to our integrated moderation and control tools.

Attract new customers

Expand your customer base by attracting a younger and more engaged clientele, particularly sensitive to second-hand offers and sustainable practices.

Join Diatome in this sustainable e-commerce revolution and give your brand the competitive edge of tomorrow.